school badge

Aberdare Boys’ Grammar School

Certificate Ceremonies

school building

Certificate Ceremony, 1913

County School, Aberdare.


The annual distribution of prizes and certificates to the pupils of the above school took place on Friday. It had been arranged to hold the meeting in Siloa Hall1, but that building proved far too small for the huge crowd that had assembled, and the permission of the deacons to remove to Siloa Chapel having been obtained, the meeting was held there, the huge edifice being full. An interesting feature of this prize day was the presence of Mr. W. Jenkyn Thomas, M.A., headmaster of the Hackney Down School, London, formerly headmaster of the Aberdare County School, and Mrs. Jenkyn Thomas. Councillor L.N. Williams, J.P.,2 presided. There were also present on the platform :— Mrs. Walter Lloyd3, Mrs. J. Griffiths, Mrs. Evan Williams, Mrs. T. Botting4, County Councillor G.A. Treharne, and Councillor A.P. Jones, members of the governing body; Miss Cook, M.A., headmistress of the Girls’ School; Mr. and Mrs. W. Charlton Cox, Mr. W. Uthr Williams, M.A., headmaster Mountain Ash County School, and Mrs. Williams, Mrs. (Dr.) Finney, and Mr. J. D. Thomas, clerk to the Governors.

The Chairman, in his opening address, remarked that the past year had been an eventful one in the history of the school. He referred to the regretted death of Alderman D. Hughes5, chairman of the Governors, and also to the opening of the Girls’ School. He was glad to note that that school, under the able supervision of Miss Cook, was making splendid progress. He was glad to see present on the same platform, Mr. Jenkyn Thomas, former headmaster—with Mrs. Thomas—Mr. W.C. Cox, the present headmaster, and Miss Cook, the new headmistress. He hoped that they would have a better financial support from the County Council in future. Just now they were receiving £400 less towards the two schools than they received previously towards one. He hoped that the public of Aberdare would join in the effort to bring home to the proper authorities the gravity of the situation caused by this deprivation of funds. (Applause.)

The next item was a chorus; “Viking Song,” by the Girls’ Choir, conducted by Mr. Tom Price. Miss Irene Jones accompanied.

Afterwards Mr. W. Charlton Cox, M.A., headmaster, presented the seventeenth annual report of the school. He was very pleased to welcome to Aberdare the former headmaster and his wife, and he hoped that they would be able to show Mr. Thomas that the school was maintaining its reputation. He also wished to join in the regrets expressed at the departure of the late Alderman D. Hughes.

The Boys’ Choir, conducted by Councillor Ogwen Williams, now sang a series of Welsh Airs.

Thereupon the prizes and certificates were distributed by Mrs. W. Jenkyn Thomas. The Girls’ Choir now sang.

Mr. W. Jenkyn Thomas, who was well received, said that for nine happy years he acted as headmaster of the Aberdare County School, and during eight of these years he was assisted by the lady who had just gone through the task of distributing prizes. It gave him a great pleasure indeed to renew old acquaintance with teachers, governors and old pupils, and also to see the present pupils. He wished to congratulate Mr. Cox and his staff on the very excellent results of the year. He knew the value of a school report, and could say that this was a very fine report, one which he envied indeed. He was glad to see that Mr. Cox had succeeded in carrying through certain improvements which he (the speaker) had desired to see. To the pupils he would say “Work hard, play hard and always be absolutely straight.” Turning to the governing body Mr. Thomas asked them not to neglect the boys’ school now that they had a fine palace as girls’ school. Two ribs had been taken out of the old school, one by Mountain Ash and one by the new girls’ school. Even Adam had to suffer through being deprived of a rib, and the school, after undergoing this surgical operation, should be well nourished. He would advise them, for the sake of the efficiency of the schools, while paying due attention to the buildings, to give also to the teachers their dues in the matter of salaries. Addressing the parents the speaker said that if they wanted to reap the full benefit of secondary education they must keep the children in school longer than they did at present. He deprecated the great rush for Civil Service appointments, advertisements of which lured so many youths. He did not know whether Mr. Cox was troubled so much by these as he was. Coming to the past students Mr. Thomas remarked that he was glad that the Past Students’ Association was in a prosperous condition. They had a flourishing branch of it in London. He was looking forward to a time when there would be a club house of old students in Victoria Square. He wished every success to the old and new schools. (Applause.)

After a chorus by the Boys’ Choir, “Casabianca,” Miss Cook gave a brief address. She remarked that inasmuch as she had no official existence last year, they could hardly expect an address from her. She would like to say, however, that the rib was quite happy in its domicile in Cwmbach-road. There was not even a sign of boredom. There were 147 pupils enrolled, and the school had been built to accommodate 150. One pleasant function at this school was the parents’ visiting day. Unfortunately it had been somewhat marred by the very wet weather that day. They all regretted the departure from the school of Miss Morris, one of the mistresses. Work was going on very well there, but play not so well, owing to lack of proper facilities. She wished to give her heartiest thanks to the governors, the parents, and to the girls, and all who assisted her in her duties (Applause.)

Councillor A. P. Jones moved a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jenkyn Thomas. He would suggest that they place the management of the Cwmbach School entirely in the hands of ladies.

Mrs. J. Griffiths seconded the vote of thanks. She was pleased to see London agreeing so well with Mr. and Mrs. Jenkyn Thomas.

Mrs. Walter Lloyd proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman. She wished to assure the gentlemen that they would be welcomed at the Cwmbach-road School.

Mr. G. A. Treharne briefly seconded the vote of thanks.

Mr. T. Eynon Davies, B.Sc., speaking on behalf of the old students, gave a cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Jenkyn Thomas. Mr. E. J. Hughes, solicitor, endorsed the words of welcome.

Prizes Awarded by the Governors.

Form VI. Upper.—English and history, Austin Lewis. French and Botany, Amy V. Minty.

Form VI. Lower.—English and History, Harry Allen. French, D.P. Williams. Botany, Ellen Baigent.

Form Va.—English Subjects, Jane Rees. Mathematics, Laura Williams. Languages, Laura Williams. Science, Guy Runge.6

Form Vb.—English Subjects, Sarah Jenkins. Mathematics, Nancy Erskine. Languages, Nancy Erskine. Science, Sidney Silverman.

Form Vc.—English Subjects, Elsie Berry. Mathematics. W. J. Davies. Languages, Elsie Berry. Commercial Subjects. Edgar Teague.

Form IVa.—English Subjects, Kate Roach. Mathematics, Evan G. Davies. Languages, Evan G. Davies. Science, Bessie Algar and E. Prosser.

Form IVb.—English Subjects, John L. Thomas. Mathematics, William C. Hughes. Languages, Arthur Venables. Commercial Subjects, Arthur Venables.

Form IIIa.—English Subjects, Martha O. Williams. Mathematics, James C. Evans. Languages, Idwal Rees7. Science, Gladys Richards.

Form IIIb.—English Subjects, Harold Cox. Mathematics, Heber Davies. Languages, Oliver Williams and Bessie Morgan. Commercial Subjects, Heber Davies.

Form Ia.—English Subjects, Jane Daniel. Mathematics, Willie Dumayne. Languages, Gwladys Evans.

Form lb.—English Subjects, Harold G. Howells. Mathematics, Edward Pink. Commercial Subjects, John H. Jenkins.

Form Ic.—English Subjects, Blanchette Thomas. Mathematics, Blanchette Thomas8. Languages, Eleanor Jones and Grace Sturgess.

Woodwork (Junior Stage).—Reggie Knibbs.

Needlework (Senior Stage. — Beatrice Francis; (Junior Stage): Kate Roach and Mary A. Parry.

Cookery (Junior Stage).—Myfanwy Jones.

Gymnasium (Senior). Reggie Knibbs and Lewis H. Lewis; (Junior) Jack Pardoe, Cecil Escott, and W. T. Vaughan.

List of Certificates gained by Pupils during the Session 1912-1913.

AUSTIN LEWIS—English Language and Literature ; History ; Latin.

AMY MINTY—History ; French (with conversational power) ; Botany.


HARRY ALLEN—English Language and Literature ; History ; Latin ; French.

DOROTHY BAIGENT—English Language & Literature ; History ; Latin; Botany.

GARFIELD THOMAS—History ; French (with conversational power) ; Chemistry.

D.A. VAUGHAN—English Language and Literature ; History ; French (with conversational power) ; Chemistry.

VAUGHAN and WILLIAMS also passed in Latin at the Senior Stage.


ELSIE BERRY—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Botany ; Geography.

BEN DAVIES—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Geography ; Book-keeping ; Shorthand.

BESSIE DAVIES—English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; Welsh ; Botany ; Geography.

NELLIE DAVIES—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; Welsh ; Geography.

SARAH DAVIES—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh ; Botany ; Needlework.

WILLIAM JOHN DAVIES—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Geography.

IVOR EDMUNDS—History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Geography.

BEN EDWARDS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh.

NANCY ERSKINE—English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; French (conversational).

BRONWEN EVANS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Welsh ; Botany ; Geography.

LIZZIE R. EVANS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Botany.

WINNIE EVANS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh ; Needlework.

GWEN EYNON—English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; French ; Botany ; Needlework.

BEATRICE M. FRANCIS —English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; Welsh ; Botany ; Geography ; Needlework.

CATHERINE M. HUGHES —English ; Literature; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh.

FRANK JEFFRIES—English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Geography.

CLEDWYN JENKINS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh ; Geography.

SARAH JENKINS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Latin ; Welsh ; Botany ; Geography.

ISAAC J. LEWIS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; French ; Geography.

ROY LEWIS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Chemistry ; Geography.

MARIA MORGAN —English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Geography ; Needlework.

DAVID S. NICHOLAS9—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Latin ; Welsh.

ETTA PALMER—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh.

DOROTHY PARDOE —English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Botany ; Needlework.

ELLEN PARRY—English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; Welsh ; Botany ; Needlework.

WALTER PONTIN10—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; Welsh ; Geography.

ANNIE PRICE—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh ; Botany ; Needlework.

GLYNELEN PROTHEROE11—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh ; Botany.

ALBERT T. REES—English ; Literature; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; Welsh ; Geography.

JANE REES—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; Welsh ; Botany ; Geography ; Needlework.

MARTHA RODERICK—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Latin ; French (conversational) ; Botany ; Geography.

GUY RUNGE—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; French (conversational) ; Chemistry ; Geography.

SIDNEY SILVERMAN—English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; Latin ; French (conversational) ; Chemistry ; Geography.

GLADYS A. SMITH—English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; Latin ; Botany.

MINNIE TAY—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Botany ; Geography.

EDGAR TEAGUE—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Geography ; Book-keeping ; Shorthand.

SARAH M. THOMAS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh.

FRANCES WALTERS—English ; Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; French (conversational) ; Botany.

GWILYM H. WATKINS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French (conversational) ; Chemistry ; Geography.

MARGARET WATTS12—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Welsh ; Shorthand.

DAVID WILLIAMS—English ; Literature ; History ; Mathematics ; French ; Geography.

LAURA E. WILLIAMS—English ; Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; French ; Botany ; Geography ; Needlework.


BESSIE ALGAR— English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Botany ; Needlework ; Cookery.

HERBERT BERRY13— English and Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Geography ; Woodwork.

CYRIL J. CHAPMAN—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; French ; Chemistry ; Woodwork.

EVAN J. DAVIES—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; French ; Chemistry ; Woodwork.

WILLIAM HOWELL DAVIES—English & Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Book-keeping ; Shorthand.

EILEEN M. EGGLETON—English and Literature ; Arithmetic ; Welsh ; Book-keeping ; Shorthand ; Needlework.

OLIVIA G. HOWELLS—English and Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Book-keeping ; Shorthand ; Needlework.

EDWARD JOHN—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Chemistry.

FLORENCE I. JONES—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Botany ; Needlework ; Cookery.

LLYWELA H. JONES—English and Literature ; Arithmetic ; French ; Botany.

JOHN H. JORDAN—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Chemistry.

PHILIP H. LINDSAY—English and Literature ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Chemistry ; Woodwork.

GLADYS MASON—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Botany ; Needlework ; Cookery.

JOHN D. POWELL—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; Latin ; Welsh ; Chemistry ; Woodwork.

EMRYS PROSSER14—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Chemistry ; Geography ; Woodwork.

KATE ROACH—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Botany ; Needlework ; Cookery.

REGGIE SAUNDERS—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Chemistry ; Geography.

JOHN L. THOMAS—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Book-keeping ; Shorthand ; Woodwork.

ARTHUR J. VENABLES—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; Mathematics ; French ; Geography ; Book-keeping ; Shorthand ; Woodwork.

WILLIE E. WATKINS—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Chemistry.

ETHEL I. WILLIAMS—English and Literature ; History ; Arithmetic ; French ; Botany ; Needlework ; Cookery.

NOTE.—Where the Name of a Subject is Printed in Black Letters, the Pupil gained Distinction in that Subject.




Appended is the full text of the Headmaster’s Report:—



I have pleasure in submitting to you my Annual Report on the work of the School during the twelve months ending July 31st last.

Numbers on Register.

It is satisfactory once more to be able to record an increase in the number of pupils attending the School. In my last year’s report I had to record, as you will remember, a decrease in the average number on the registers of seven as compared with the previous year. Happily the increase this year has more than made up for this decrease, as you will see from the following particulars. There were on the Register in the—

Autumn Term,  1912 ... 288

Spring Term,    1913 ... 282

Summer Term, 1913 ... 266

This gives an average of nearly 279 on the Register for the year, an increase of 17 over the previous year, and of 10 over the year before that. In fact the average number on the Register last Session was higher than it has been for some years.

Changes in Staff.

The only change that I have to record in the personnel of the Staff is the resignation of Miss Kate Jones, the Domestic Science Mistress, who left us after a stay of nearly six years in April last to be married. She was succeeded by Miss Bessie Williams, who came to us from Caerphilly H.E. School.


No formal inspection of the School took place during the past year, but we were visited on January 28th last by Mr W.H. Robinson, Assistant Inspector of the Central Welsh Board, and on June 12th by Mr. Owen M. Edwards, H.M. Chief Inspector of the Welsh Department of the Board of Education. The report of Mr Robinson on the work of the School has already been before you.


It is a great satisfaction to me to be able to report that in this the last year of our existence as a Mixed School we have been more successful in respect of Examinations than in any of the previous sixteen years. In the C.W.B. Examinations our pupils gained no less than 75 certificates and 45 marks of distinction, over 66 per cent. of the candidates entered for the examination being successful. This constitutes a record for the school, being a great advance over last year, the previous best, when we gained 64 certificates and 39 distinctions. The certificates this year were distributed as follows: Honours, 2; Higher, 5; Senior, 42; Junior, 22; Supplementary, 4. In regard to the Prelim. Exam. for the Cert., our record for this year is 4 passes out of five entered; one pupil also passed London Matriculation in the first division and two in the second division.


On the work done in the C.W.B. Exams, a County Exhibition (approximate value, £40 a year) was awarded to Amy V. Minty. This makes the 32nd County Exhibition gained by the School. These exhibitions have now been awarded for 15 years, and there has not been a single year since their award began, when one of them and often two or more have not fallen to the Pupils of this School.

Corporate Life.

The corporate life of the School shewed no signs of diminishing vigour. In addition to two or three enjoyable School Parties, I have to report the production in April of what has been generally acknowledged to be the finest dramatic performance that the pupils have hitherto achieved. The play selected this year was Shakespere’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The usual programme of outdoor games was carried through. The Shield annually awarded to the house distinguishing itself most in Athletics fell this year to Mr. Davies’s house. We were not able to hold the usual Athletic Sports this year owing to the demands on our time in the Summer Term; but, to take their place, the Physical Instructor, Mr. Ruttley, organized for the boys a very enjoyable Swimming gala, which was held at the local Baths on the last day of the Summer Term, July 25th. The School Magazine has been published as usual three times during the year.

Past Students’ Successes.

I am pleased to bring before your notice the continued success of our past students, who have this year done exceptionally well, and won credit alike for themselves and their old School. As many as ten have graduated at different Universities this year, and several others have done well in their University or other examinations. Their names and particulars of their successes will be found at the end of this report.

Some Suggestions.

Now that the division of the School into two parts is an accomplished fact, there are one or two suggestions in connection with the Boys’ School that I venture to bring before you in the hope that if you are unable to carry them out now, you may, if you think fit, keep them in mind with a view to action as soon as practicable.

It is satisfactory to learn that the County Authorities have agreed at length to build a metal workshop and engineering laboratory, but I wish to point out to you that the Boys’ School has at present neither an Art Room, nor a Geographical Laboratory, nor a special room for Commercial work. All of these we have long been hoping to have when the girls moved to their new School, and although you may find yourselves unable to do anything at the moment owing to financial considerations, yet I hope you will make it your aim to endeavour to secure these at the first favourable opportunity. Moreover. I should be glad to see you taking some steps to find a means of securing an outlet for the pupils of the School who wish to enter business life. I drew your attention to this in my last report, and suggested one thing that you might do ; the matter is an important one, and if solved would do much to increase the usefulness of the school. Now that your attention is less occupied with other matters than it has been last year, I hope you may take this into consideration.

I should not like to close this report without recording my sense of the loss that the School suffered at the end of the year by the death of its Chairman, the late Alderman D. Hughes. Throughout the term of his office as Governor and Chairman he took a deep and consistent interest in all that concerned the School and its work. His loss has caused a gap which will not easily be filled.

In conclusion I wish, as usual, to express my sincere thanks alike to the Governors and to the Assistant Staff for their sympathetic co-operation in carrying on the work of the School.

W. CHARLTON COX, M.A. (Lond.),
Head Master.

The Certificates: The Central Welsh Board, CWB, set its first examinations in 1897, and awarded its first certificates in 1899.

The Honours Stage Certificate was the most advanced of the CWB examinations taken by pupils aged 18 or 19 years.

The Higher Stage Certificate, not mentioned above, was taken around 18 years of age.

The Senior Certificate was taken at around 16 years.

The Junior Stage Certificate was taken at around 14 years after entry to the school at age 12. Many of the pupils left after this stage, much to the annoyance of the Governors and Headmaster.

The Honours Stage was phased out in 1917.

The Higher Stage Certificate remained much the same until 1951 but was renamed Higher School Certificate in 1921. ‘Highers’ became GCE Advanced Level.

The Senior Stage Certificate became the School Certificate in 1919. In 1951 it became GCE O level.

The Junior Stage Certificate was phased out after the 1921 examination.

The Supplementary Stage was taken at the end of the first year in the sixth form, but unlike the other stages could be taken in separate subjects.


  1. Siloa Hall no longer exists, but was opposite Siloa Chapel.
  2. Lewis Noah Williams was a prominent Aberdarian. He was the Williams of ‘E. Thomas and Williams, Cambrian Lampworks.’
  3. Mrs Walter Lloyd was Mary Smith Lloyd. She had just three months previously performed the opening ceremony of the new Girls’ School in Plasdraw. Mrs Lloyd and her husband, Walter, were founder members of Trinity Presbyterian Church, and until her husband's death in 1883, they ran the newspaper Y Gwladgarwr. Originally from Denny, in Stirlingshire, Mrs Lloyd lived after retirement with her youngest daughter Isabella at 1, Highland Place. Isabella subsequently married E. Emrys Evans in 1902, and thereafter Mrs Lloyd went to live with her son-in-law and daughter at 9/10 Victoria Square above the Chemists Shop.
  4. Mrs Botting was the wife of the Director of Education of the Aberdare Education Committee — Mr. Thomas Botting, J.P., B.A., B.Sc.
  5. Alderman David Hughes represented the Town Division of Aberdare. He was a native of Abernant, where he was held in very high esteem. He was a brother to Mr. William Hughes, M.E., Manager of the Abernant Collieries. Mr. Hughes was apprenticed as a mechanical engineer at the Abernant Ironworks. Subsequently he followed the occupation of a marine engineer. Eventually he became proprietor of the Boot Hotel, Aberdare. In his retirement, he took a very keen and active interest in public service. He was appointed a Governor of the Aberdare County School, and served as chairman of that body. Mr. Hughes was a diligent and energetic educationist, especially with regard to technical education, his zeal and labour in connection with the Evening Classes being unbounded. He was also a member of the Merthyr Board of Guardians for many years. He lived at 24, Clifton Street, Aberdare, and died in July 1913.
  6. Guy Runge became a teacher, and taught at Gadlys Central School. His father Bernhard Runge kept a clock and watch retail sales and repair shop in Cardiff Street.
  7. Idwal Rees taught at Ynyslwyd School and became the first Head of Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg.
  8. Blanchette Thomas was later to marry Peter Edward Phillips, (PEP), and to become Dr. Blanchette Phillips, D.P.H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Assistant M.O.H., and Assistant School Medical Officer in Aberdare.
  9. David Sidney "Dai" Nicholas became a professional footballer. He played for Merthyr 1920-22, Stoke 1921-25, and Swansea Town 1924-30, making a total of 251 appearances. He also played for Wales on three occasions. After his footballing career was over he became a teacher and eventually became head of Cwmaman Elementary School. He died in 1982 aged 84.
  10. Walter Pontin became a teacher at Gadlys Central School.
  11. Glynelen Protheroe married Herbert Lendon Berry (13), and was the mother of Brian Lendon Berry who contributed several articles for this website.
  12. Margaret Watts became a teacher at Abernant Primary School. She was of sister of Sam Watts, and sister-in-law of Catherine Ellen Watts, a teacher of biology at the Girls’ County School in Plasdraw.
  13. Herbert Lendon Berry was the son of prominent Aberdare citizen, and photographer, Richard Lewis Berry, who in turn was the son of the well known Aberdare photographer J. Lendon Berry.
  14. Emrys Prosser became a teacher at Gadlys Central School. He also served as a committee member of the Past Student Association.